She fights terror! She influences the world's population! She educates and empowers the powerless! Is there anything this woman cannot do? I think not. Chels does more than the typical 9 to 5 when she battles her way onto the Metro each morning.
In addition to being the most fashionable to enter the doors of the Ronald Reagan building, she has earned 3 awards for her outstanding work within the Global Health Bureau of USAID.
The award at the very top shows her receiving an individual award for going "Above and Beyond" the call of duty to improve the lives of members in developing nations. The other two pictures are of her receiving two additional group awards within the Family Planning/HIV Integration team. We all know who should receive the credit here, but our heroine is of course very modest. And I must add, striking in that hounds tooth jacket. Rarr!

Chels, seriously, we are all really proud of your accomplishments and are all secretly jealous of your jet-setting and high profile lifestyle. My not-so-glamorous and unpaid nanny position is still open to you, should you decide to stop fighting terror one developing nation at a time. Until then, fight on! (and look good doing it!)
Thanks Darc! My dream job would to be your nanny--not kidding! I am having twinners withdrawls right about now. Don't be surprised if I show up on your doorstep one of these days;)
I'm so proud of you, though not a bit surprised! I love it that you have a passion for what you do! Love ya!
I am assuming Darc put this together. There is a huge difference between you and me...I would have issued local and regional press releases with each award, and likely secretly nominated myself as "Humanitarian of the Century." Your geniune modesty is impressive, in deed.
I concur with Darc's comments. Chels is truly living the life.
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