Super She-She came to my rescue again last week. We were hoping for some fun days of playing around Portland while Brent was on the Dirty South Tour, but instead were slaves to the wicked illness enslaving my poor babies. Grandma She-She and Grandma Patti saved me on day 4 of 7 from certain death due to overkill from vomit and diarrhea clean up. Honestly, those poor boys were suffering and there just wasn't much more to do besides hold them and clean up after them. Well, She-She and Patti were pros and kicked me out the door for some desperately needed retail therapy after being cooped up for days. They held, nursed, fed, bathed and walked boys in the very late and very early hours of night and day. They also laundered, cleaned and provided sustenance for me. Seriously, I would have died or at the very least committed myself to the insane asylum if they had not come to my rescue and allowed me to sleep and collect my frayed nerves. It's funny how a mom never stops being a mom, even when you are supposedly grown and responsible. It's funny how you never stop needing a mom either. Someday I thought I would arrive at that stage but now I know better. I will ALWAYS need my mom. Thanks for saving me again!
I have to add that somehow both She-She and Patti caught the nasty illness and were sick for days. They still don't regret coming. That's what moms and grandmas are for I guess...true dedication.

Have no fear, because my little troublemakers are back doing what they do best...

Yes, life is back to usual and honestly, I have a new appreciation for it.
Ok Darc, as you already know I would kill for those children of yours. I would be happy to vomit daily just to see them! Please don't ever forget that I feel the same way about you, CJ, Syd-vicious, Shea-boy and the little "D", you are all my world. Thanks for the kind words Darc, now that you are a Mom you understand how I feel about you and your sibs!
She-she you really are amazing!! And you're even commenting on the blog--its a miracle. DOes that mean we can expect some posts from our fearless maternal leader? I am sorry you guys got sick too. I am sure "suffering" with the boys was worth it. :)
The Shewolf has been taking care of me for years, which is why I cannot do anything for myself anymore. Basically, she has incapacitated me through loving care. I know it sounds weird, but its true.
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