Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Good Ol' San Fran

Good Ol' San Fran - I think that might be a song written by Peggy Akin, but I don't think she will mind me stealing the title. 
Finally! I am getting around to posting the adventures of Snick on the blog. It's been way too long. In my defense, our internet is not working. I am currently using the "model apartment's" internet that is two doors down from ours. You gotta do what you gotta do I guess.
Nick and I were able to drive my SoCal to SoWash in between the two receptions after our Honeymoon (I'm hoping to post on Snick's blog about that later) and we decided to make a stop in Good Ol' San Fran because it was on the way. I had never been to San Fran and I've always wanted to go. We only had a day, but I would definitely say we made the most of our quick trip. Nick was a champ....or should I say Clark Griswald and he drove all 30 hours while his sick wife slept or attempted to sleep in the passenger's seat. Unfortunately I got very ill after our Honeymoon and while I will spare most of you the grotesque details, I will say it involved much vomit and flem. I went through an entire box of kleenex in two hours and enjoyed puking my guts out while Nick patiently and lovingly cared for his terminal wife. (Or so it seemed) I'm sure he was wondering what on Earth he had got himself into. While the driving part was quick awful, I was able to enjoy our fun day in San Fran. We tried to do as much as possible with only one small map. 

As you can see we visited Pier 39 where we tried to include a picture of Alcatraz, the Jordans, and a large boat. Luckily for all of you, its a whole lot of Jordans. Unfortunately for the snot in my nose, it got it's center stage debut. We enjoyed the shops around Pier 39 and the overwhelming stench from our friends - seals! What a life. I think when Nick and I create our own world...I will be a seal. Lounging in the sun, eating, and pushing my skinnier friends out of the way. If only their weren't sharks....
We ate sourdough bread bowls with soup and spent about an hour in a candy store. Thank goodness the sweets didn't end there. Nick and I continued to walk all over (parking was just too darn expensive) and we eventually ran into Ghirardelli Square where Nick joyfully ate an entire waffle cone of Chocolaty Chocolate Cocoa Chocolate or something like that. As most of you know, I did not inherit the addictions of my mother and therefore, do not crave chocolate on an hourly basis. However, Ghirardelli likes to accommodate and guess what was right around the corner? Kara's Cupcakes! Yes, my dream is to own a cute little parisian inspired cupcake boutique. I was so overwhelmed with all the decadent choices that I decided to play it safe and go with my staple. LEMON. Give me lemon meringue and I will shut my mouth for days. Lets just say it was a very spiritual experience. 

Eventually we picked up the truck and decided that walking down Lombard street simply wasn't enough. So against all the other tourists suggestions Mr. and Mrs. Jordan took Ken Parson's old Chevy Silverado down Lomard St. If Dale Earnhart Jr. wasn't driving, we would have been toast, so possibly run over one of the 600 boxwoods. Yes Dad - I knew they boxwoods. Thank Goodness for Saturday mornings, Saturday nights, and a headlamp. There happened to be a tour group of Asians at the bottom who excitedly began taking pictures upon our descent. (Chels that was for you) I've never felt more like a celebrity. They probably knew only Snick would attempt such a feat. 

And what would a trip to San Fran be without the Golden Gate Bridge! It is truly an amazing structure. So amazing, that Nick had to take a picture of us from every angle. Luckily for you guys, I only put two on here. No I'm kidding. It really was fun to drive across and enjoy San Fran's most glorious tourist attraction.

I will spare all of you the Full House theme song, but you are not married to me. I begged Nick to take me to find the "Tanner's" house while singing loudly out the window. That was when he threatened to throw me out the window, so I figured I would save my Mary-Kate and Ashley tour for my next trip to San Fran. Overall the trip was so fun and definitely a do-over someday. Thank Goodness for a patient husband who can read a map and navigate - it makes for a great vacation.


Darcee said...

Finally! I've been waiting to see some pics from your travels! Love the pics where you are stuffing your faces! Wish I were stuffing mine with some goodies like that right now!

Darrell said...

Too fun! You know your mom and I almost accepted a job in SF right out of law school--You could have been a Bay City Girl. What a cool city for a handsome couple. Hey, by the way, Destiny delivered the pics from the Yakima reception. Pretty fun.