Dropping off Shea--oops Elder Smart--at the MTC was difficult, but we wouldn't have it any other way. He will undoubtedly be a great missionary. We are so proud of him and know that he will do well. His first letter was upbeat. He has a great companion and was made District Leader. I look forward to his letters from North Carolina, after he has had a chance to work with investigators and bear testimony of the restored gospel--his testimony will really blossom then.

Shea and his beautiful mother in front of the MTC.
Shea and his most amazing (and gorgeous sisters) at the curbside drop-off.

Two very proud parents and most handsome and worthy son!
It's all very exciting. But so bittersweet. I sure do miss the Sheaboy.
PS - Why does darel have my face? It really freaks me out sometimes.
So exciting for Shey! We'll miss him at the reunion! And yes Syd... you and Darel in pics have the same face... you have to look twice sometimes!
YAY I can't believe Shea is already gone on his mission...seems like just yesterday he was here in Rexburg! How fun
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