Well, at least half of that is true. Chels may not be striking it rich working for the U.S. Agency for International Development, but she is definitely famous. Check out her quote in the George Washington University Medical Center paper: (4th paragraph)
For those of you who may not know, Chels was the driving force behind a HUGE conference this month for global health professionals, GW students, members of the military and the general public. Over 1,000 people attended and she was the Head Honcho (or is it Honcha if you are female?) Regardless, the event was an enormous success.
There is no rest for the tireless jet-setter as she is off to Israel later this week. Did I mention that the government flies her first class on all these trips? How's the high life up there, Chels? Bring us bottom-dwellers a souvenir would you? Just kidding. I know you'll be hard at work saving the world, one family planning tip at a time. We all can't wait to hear about your trip but PLEASE be careful!
Below is a snapshot of her most recent work-related trip to Africa. Cheers to another stamp in your passport. I swear I'm joining you on one of your adventures soon. I'm beginning to forget what the world looks like beyond my front door.

By the way, I think my house qualifies as another planet, so consider visiting us sometime soon! I can't guarantee a stamp in your passport, but you'll get lots of loves from your favorite nephs and niece.