Yes that's a rock under my head, and yes I really was that tired. This was from my climb with Lil D on Mt. Adams.
Tent City on Mt. Rainier
Brent and Nick cooking dinner at base camp on Mt. Rainier
Big crevasse on the Ingraham glacier on Mt. Rainier

Nick belaying Brent across a very deep crevasse

Brent negotiating a big crevasse on Mt. Rainier
Nick belaying Brent across a very deep crevasse
Brent negotiating a big crevasse on Mt. Rainier
Anyone who knows the Super Smarts are keenly aware that we believe in mottos, or family mantras. This is something akin to Tony Robbins' "Unleash the Power Within" or Mao Tse Tung's "Communism is a hammer we use to crush the enemy." The Smart family has enjoyed a number of memorable family mottos over the years. The following is a partial list of some of sayings that have made us who we collectively are today:
1. Make it happen
2. Shut up and work (my personal favorite)
2. Shut up and work (my personal favorite)
3. Scratch and Claw
4. Elbows and Fannies ( as in, that's all I want to see out of you kids!)
5. Big dogs to the top
6. High speed, low drag
7. You are nature's greatest miracle
7. You are nature's greatest miracle
8. You gotta believe
9. Pray hard, work harder
10. Do the right thing
There are many others, of course, which can and should be shared, but this is the fodder of future posts on my personal blog--Darrell's Yakimania. As patriarch of the Smart family, I felt it my God-given responsibility to inspire and be inspirational. How these sayings would come about is that I would get an excellent idea in my brain, feel that it needed to be communicated to my children, and then I would continue to repeat the motto over and over until all of the kids absolutely loved the motto and had made it part of their personal lives. It was really quite simple. And, as it turned out, totally inspirational. (I am not sure why I have not written a book on parenting. I think I would entitle it: Dr. Phil is a Chump! Smarter Parenting Ideas from the Trenches.)
FYI: our family motto while at Lake Cocollala was, "In Search of Glass."
Unfortunately, I cannot recall every gem of a motto that has inspired our family over the years, but trust me when I say, each and every one of them was necessary, special and uplifting.
Okay, now to the point of this post. Our most recent motto has been "Any worth doing, is worth over doing." This motto says a lot about who we are, and how we should live. In July I climbed a lot with family members. We repeated this motto frequently because it seemed so right. In particular, the week that Nick and I attempted to climb Mt. Hood, complete Dynamited Cave, climb Mt. Rainier and then bike the 100 miles back from Mt. Rainier to Yakima. Okay, okay, it was a bit ambitious. What we ended up doing was climbing Mt. Hood and Mt. Rainier, back to back. It was awesome. This is something that I have always wanted to do. Now if I can just figure out how to fit Mt. Adams into that week, I would feel that I had accomplished something.
Above are some pics from our climbs on Mt. Hood and Mt. Rainier.
Above are some pics from our climbs on Mt. Hood and Mt. Rainier.
Hey, if you're gonna over do climbing than 'you gotta believe' to 'Make it happen' Because only the 'Big dogs make it to the top!'
That is, if you 'Do the right thing.'
Great pictures!
You should write a book, I would buy the first copy!!!
Dr. Phil is a chump! He doesn't even look good bald!
Great post, except for all the pictures of my husband near a crevasse!
Sorry, Darrell, but this just doesn't even look a little bit fun to me. :) Glad you have such a great time doing it!
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