Sheila has observed that I write too much and don't include enough pics when I post. I have tried to remind her that I have a lot to say and don't get enough chances to talk. Just because I talk all day as a lawyer and speak a lot in Church as a member of the Stake Presidency doesn't necessarily satisfy the desire to speak. This is because typically I don't get to choose what to talk about. For example, in a legal case I have to stick to the "issues in the case" (what fun is that?). Or at church I am usually assigned a topic by President Grow. (It's not like you can just launch into totally random things in a Church talk, although we have some in the Church who don't really get this whole concept of an assigned topic.) So, to make Sheila happy, I thought I would mostly just post pictures of Sydney's most excellent garden reception. Destiny Williams did an amazing job with the pics, don't you think?

Even the food was Yellow and Blue.

The flowers

The Curtises
My amazingly beautiful wife and my absolutely gorgeous "big sister" Lynne Greene
To my most favorite person in the whole world! What a beautiful post! You really captured the essence of the evening. You have created the garden of Eden in our own backyard as far as I'm concerned. Thanks for all you do for our family, I know the joy you feel in that. Our models, "Adam and Eve" looked pretty awesome too. Always and forever!
Just to be clear, Keith and Cole were running all through your gardens while you were at work, calling for "Ga-pa!" "Ga-pa!". They always knew where to find Ga-pa--outside in the yard. I would also like to add that Cole ate 10 blackberries in a matter of seconds at the reception. Thanks to Durrell and Shelly for providing a most excellent feast, a beautiful yard and of course a gorgeous daughter, Aunt "Sinny".
It is so good to see the pics! Destiny really did an excellent job. And the yard really is an Eden. It looks like everyone had fun...but I think it's hard not to at the Smart House.
Those are beautful pictures..but they should be because they are of a beautiful family in a beautiful atmosphere!
Por fin!!! Pics of the Yaktown reception--it looks amazing and I am sad to have missed it. SNICK looks as hot as ever and the Petunia Boy filled my dream of actually planting more then 2 yellow flowers. Nice job dad!
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