The whole fam got together last weekend in southern Cali to celebrate the happy couple. Despite our craziness, Nick still wanted to join our clan. I think Shea is pretty excited to have more testosterone around.

Syd of course looked amazing and Mom and Dad survived planning another wedding. Don't worry D & S only 3 more to go!

The twinners welcomed their new uncle by chowing down on the chocolate fountain and lots of in and out burger. They also enjoyed smothering Nick's family's "Hop Hop" but luckily it was pretty resilient. Nick's family was wonderful and so patient with all of us!

We are excited to have a new member of the Smart fam. I am hoping Syd hasn't mentioned Christmas caroling with reindeer antlers, trimming bushes with headlamps, or pool basketball--but I guess by this time its too late. SNICK-enjoy the honeymoon-Congrats!

Congrats! It looks like the wedding was a hit! You all look so great!!
Congrats Snick! Your family is so beautiful! Looks like you all had a wonderful time!
Thanks Chelsea--I've been "lurking" everyday just waiting for pics! The Smarts were definitly up front and center when the "beautiful genes" were passed out! I can't believe Sydney is all grown up--I have to look several times to be sure! Hi to all you Smarts and Best Wishes to SNICK!
Chels! I'm so glad that someone was taking pics! You're always so good about that! Let me know when they're posted on Shutterfly so I can take a peak. I had no idea you got so many cute ones of the boys playing with the "hop. hop"!
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