Guinea is a beautiful country but very poor. The capital has no infrastructure appears more like a squatter settlement then a main city. The people are wonderful and extremely patient with my French or lack there of. We spent several days in the interior of the country and saw traditional villages that looked like pictures straight from National Geographic.
Tanzania was definitely more developed. We spent Easter Dinner in Dar Es Saalam eating prawns and salmon overlooking the Indian Ocean. I was able to attend church once while I was there and luckily for me it was in English. One of our projects is located on a tea plantation and we were able to spend several days on the plantation. The tea workers did a special performance of us of traditional African song and dance.
It was an amazing experience. Along with Chaka Khan's visit, the trip made me grateful for my job and for the US especially considering this rest stop "toilet" :) Hopefully this summer will bring lots more "famous" peeps to my office!
Wow Chels! Those are some amazing experiences you're having. Oh my gosh, that toilet is just plain scary!
Love- Shan
I love the pic with your toes in the sand! You should see how many beaches you can do that on. Chels - Africa looked like a blast. I've never seen you look so white! You are always the tannest person in the room. :)
I LOVE seeing all the pics! You belong in National Geographic, I'm pretty sure. That toilet is nasty.
I am green with envy. thx for the cool pics.
Some awesome pics Chelsea, ok so I must admit you get to do some pretty cool things with that job of yours, but I'm still not sold on the Afghanistan subject. (Armoured cars indeed!?)
I am pretty jealous of your trip! I am so glad you got the opportunity to go! Thanks for sharing your pics!
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