Everybody knows we have the best mom there ever was. Sheila Hague Smart aka Shelly, Shewolf, Mom and most importantly Grandma is more than your average woman. Here is a small list of her most amazing talents/gifts (We simply cannot list them all)
1. Beauty. It is obvious that the Smart children can thank their sweet and sexy mama for all those good genes, thick hair, and high cheekbones. (Don't worry Dad, we thank you for alot of "other" things in our gene pool)
2. Brains. Mom always knows the right answer. If you call and need advice, she's always willing to give it and 10 times out of 10, she's 100% right. You may try to deny it if you're in college trying to make dinner by yourself, but in the end the best call...is a phone call home.
3. Culinary skills. This is an understatement. Mom could whale on those silly Iron Chef contestants and she hasn't even gone to cooking school. Her natural talents and inventive efforts in the kitchen keep us all happy and well-fed. Is there anything this woman can't do in the kitchen? I don't think so.
4. Patience. Mom raised us. Need I say more?
5. Dance moves. This playing field nearly always involves our Puff Daddy as well. Pour Peaches and Herb into the mix and you've got yourself an explosive carbonated beverage...(shaken not stirred of course)
6. Interior Decorating/Fashion sense. We've all watched Stacy and Clinton try to teach losers on What Not to Wear how to clothe themselves. If there is one thing we've learned from Mom it's You've Got It...OR You Don't. Mom taught us all how to dress to impress and I think we can all say that our Mom is the hottest Mom at every PTA function/Graduation/Wedding/Event in our lives. But her keen taste does not stop with the clothes she wears. Shelly takes it one step forward and continues to reign in the realm of home decor. Is there any other woman who could make a marble pear look so expensive? Again I say, "No." There simply is no other woman up for the job.
7. The Essence of Superwoman. I do not say this sentence lightly. Very few women in the world actually possess the essence of Superwoman. But I'm sure we can all say that Mom does. She is constantly running around fulfilling her calling, taking care of people, spoiling her kids and grandkids, and being a devoted wife to our Puff Daddy.
Mom we love you! Happy 29 Birthday!
If I didn't have my own amazing Mom I would try to steal yours because you are right she is amazing. Besides since her and I are both 29 she couldn't possibly be my Mom :). Happy Birthday Shiela I hope your day was as wonderful as you are!!!!
I totally agree with Jana. If I could steal her I would! She rocks on so many levels. And I'm so lucky to call her my friend! Happy Birthday Sheila! You are an amazing woman!
Happy Birthday Sheila (this is Spencer) What are ya, like 25 or something... :)
Well I had worked up a little "diddy" with my wife to sing to you but since no one at the Smart residence answers the phone it may have to wait until next year. I guess it is official...we are in the social media age, where you can contact people via blogging faster than a phone call. Happy Birthday! We miss you lots.
Wow, what a great birthday! Anyone who still thinks I'm 29 is at the top of my list. Thanks Nick and Syd and all for the super nice comments, they made my day!
P.S. Nick I still want to hear you sing!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHEILA!!!! I still giggle every time they call you Shelly!... Is it really a lot that you get called that?! Hilarious! You're the best! I need to get that french toast recipe from you!!!
Syd thx for the awesome post about the Shewolf...every point accurate. Lil D and I tried to put together a decent birthday party for her, but Lil D felt we fell a little short. When you can't take advantage of all the Smart Girls, it's hard to do justice to a most deserving mother. Thx!!!
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