Sunday, November 1, 2009

So Run That Ye Might Obtain

Lil’ D decided to not play soccer this year. Despite her obvious talents as a soccer player, we supported her decision. Her soccer career was cut short by a “funsucking” coach (Darcee’s descriptive term for people who ruin an otherwise good time). We supported her decision. I actually felt that her coach was harmful to young women, and was relieved that she quit.

In place of soccer, Lil’ D decided to run cross-country. What a great decision it turned out to be! We love her coach, Bob Allen. The other runners are outstanding young people and she was required to work really, really hard. Everything a parent could ask for in a high school sports program. She made significant improvements and despite a late start, showed some real promise for next year. She is not only beautiful, but talented as well. I am always happy when my kids choose to do hard things, and I can’t think of anything much harder than running cross-country. Good choice Lil' D!


sheila said...

I am so proud of you Darel and the great season you had. I really enjoyed watching you run. Cross country is one tough sport. Great pics of a beautiful girl even while running!

Megan Potter said...

we are so proud of you too lil D! We love you and miss you!

Sydney said...

Well I'm going to restate the obvious and reiterate that John Shubert is the biggest loser funsucker the world has ever known.
I will also restate the obvious and say that Lil D is a total Betty and one marvelous athlete! Good Job Darble!

Julie and Andy said...

GO Cross Country! It is the best sport out there! I remember the Yakima course and then eating at Minors afterwards! Good times. I am glad you decided to do cross country!

chelsea said...

DA, you look like a beast in the second to last pic--you could do some serious damage with that look--Watch out! So proud of you for doing something none of hte rest of even thought about doing! You rock!

Alix said...

Darel, I miss you! Looks like you're havin fun and enjoying life :) Love you!

Darcee said...

DA, thank you for letting me live vicariously through you. I agree, that second to last pic is truly competition at its best. Love you to bits and pieces.
