So I had a couple hours between my Psych 111 class and Middle East class today so I thought I'd post something, partially from my utter boredom (all my friends are studying or at class) and the nagging of both mother and father. Typically when I think of blogs I cant help but think of this link http://www.dullestblog.com/ and mixed with the fact that our family has never been the most tech-savvy I thought we might use this blog for about a week, maybe a month tops. I've come to find that I am pretty much the only one that has not posted anything (other than maybe Darel and yes that is a call out to you Darel). Well it happened today. The one thing that I was praying for not to happen everyday since last August when I arrived. As I was sprinting to class for my 8 in the morning class (don't get too excited at me being up this early I woke up at 7:45, no shower, no breakfast) I had barely gotten 100 yards from my apartment door and I did an incredible feet-from-under-me-straight-to-my-back fall from the invisible sidewalk ice. My body literally made a parallel line with the concrete. Luckily no one was around because if they had I'm sure I would have heard them laughing quite loudly. I think I may need to borrow some cramp-ons from Dad just to get to class in the mornings. Theres about three feet of snow on the ground, more in other areas. I'll have to take a picture of the bike racks for everyone, they are entirely buried by snow. As much snow and ice as there has been here, its been rather warm. I still haven't had to use my snowboarding jacket. I could be getting used to the cold or maybe I'm just too numb to feel the cold. There is one thing I find very similar between Rexburg and Yakima though is that the sky is stunning almost every night. My friend Tyson said it one day and we started taking pictures of it. I'm hoping I can figure out how to post them on here. On another note it appears that we have 3 1/2 roommates. No not half of a person, but at first me and my other two roommates (Luke and Josh) thought that it would just be the 3 of us in our small apartment which we were more than excited about. We have been noticing lately that things keep showing up in our apartment that is none of ours. For example two sweatshirts have magically apeared on the empty bed in my room, and this morning two bags full of clothes, and other personal belongings were found on our couch. We have yet to find our other invisible roommate, and we have even debated if someone is feeling pity on poor college students and giving away bags of clothes and personal belongings. We are all keeping our fingers crossed that it is the latter of the two. It has also come to our attention that after our last roommate Joel left that all of our dishes have disappeared. Interesting enough is that the invisible roommate's bags contain no dishes or silverware of any kind. Anyways I was craving canned oranges for breakfast today and found that we have no can opener. Finally after about a thousand stabs with a butter knife (which took about a half hour) I managed to pry open a small hole big enough for the small orange bits to slide out of. I think its interesting how much better they tasted after having to work so hard for something so insignificant. Anyways its about time I go to class, hopefully I'll have more time later to keep you all posted on the amazing small victories here in Rexburg.
Shea! Hilarious post bud! Im glad you finally joined in the blogging! Now we can really know what's going on in Rexburg. Dont' worry about falling on the ice. It happens daily for me and I've seen about a thousand people do it on campus here. I like the picture too! Keep putting more up!
Shea!! It's about time you joined your sistas in the blogging world. Loved the stories!! Now you know how I feel tripping and falling all the time. Maybe if you're lucky you'll get a can opener for your bday! Now that you know how to post I expect lots more!!
Shea you write so well. Who knew? You are like a Hobbit--"full of surprises!" I agree about the sunsets in Rexburg. Thx for posting that pic. Such a handsome son! Our internet has been down, so mom still hasn't seen this post.
Shea, I'm crying because I'm laughing so hard. Just picturing you stabbing that can for half an hour with a butter knife is too much! I think that's more words from you than I heard all Christmas vacay. I love it! Who knew you were so awesome? (Of course we knew you were attractive.)
Glad to see the post. I love to hear about live in Rexburg. Hope you figure out the missing link to the roommate mystery...
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