Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Man for All Seasons

In the words of Og Mandino, he IS nature's greatest miracle! And No, I'm not talking about Barack Obama, but he is the El Presidente of our family, the El Capitan, the Puff Daddy. The Darrell that started it all. 
We are so lucky to have such a fearless leader in our lives! Where would the Smart Clan be if we didn't have Puffy to create intense mottos that helped us through life, or make us garden with headlamps late at night, or kill our opponents so we are guaranteed the win in pool basketball. 
While it is true that we thank our beautiful mother for our good looks and flowy hair, we must not forget our Puffy. He has helped us learn how to work hard and suffer. Two of the most important qualities in life. The Smarts have endured, can endure and will endure in the future because of Papa Smart. His natural strength has filtered down into us and no one dare fight us at school for fear we will unless the "Smart gene no one dares speak of." He works hard all day every day to make sure that mom can run the house and take us to school. 
He has more talents than the show America's Got Talent and believe it or not... He can sing! His other talents include knowing every plant in the universe, including the poisonous ones that you shouldn't eat on a hike and always telling Shelly how beautiful and amazing she is! What a guy! He knows American history and Asian history and our own family history! He knows how to fix things and he knows how to build things. He can even sew a halloween costume or two! 
Is there anything this immortal man can't do? No! For he truly his nature's greatest MIRACLE! And we love him very much! Happy Birthday Dad!


Darcee said...

Well said, Syd. Happy Birthday Dad!!!

chelsea said...

Couldn't agree more! Happy Bday Dad!!!

Darrell said...

Wow sydbomb, what a nice tribute to a dad with pretty modest means! It's so nice to be appreciated. On my birthday, mostly I'm just grateful for (and of course proud of) such a wonderful family.

Darrell said...

Wow sydbomb, what a nice tribute to a dad with pretty modest means! It's so nice to be appreciated. On my birthday, mostly I'm just grateful for (and of course proud of) such a wonderful family.