I'm going to assume that everyone in the Smart family will read every word of this post because my life is extremely interesting right?


And just in case you are REALLY obsessed with me (which might just be possible since I am the most popular girl at byu) Nick and I finally have a blog! I don't know the rules about making blogs if you are engaged, but I figured it was okay. the address is snickj@blogspot.com and for more details on our fun little SOcal adventure feel free to visit.
Okay, Now I'm really going to get posting. Is that a real verb? It is now thanks to the WWB (Wonderful world of blogging.) So the first cheesy picture is again, one of my floral design accomplishments - a Valentine's Day Basket design. I'm sorry I couldn't make one for everyone in our family, but the demand is just so high for my baskets in my apartment. And although I will probably never replicate my Vday basket, I can now say that I can at least do one if I am ever called upon to show my talents.
Our SOcal trip was filled with lots of fun and In-n-Out. For those of you who don't know what In-n-out is, I feel sorry for you! It's only the best hamburgers and milkshakes in the world! You can see a picture of my small vanilla shake next to Nick's XL Strawberry one. Now if you would all take a moment and pause and remember me when I try to cook for my fiance. He is an impressive eater who fortunately for me, eats whatever I make regardless of taste, texture, or appeal. We did lots of wedding planning and even had time to play. On Valentine's day we went to the same beach where we got engaged and played in the tide pools. It was a chilly weekend for SOcal. It even rained! (Californians act like the world is going to end when it rains, it's actually quite hilarious) Even though the weather wasn't the best, my Valentine's day was! Nick is so sweet and I'm grateful for his constant efforts to make me happy. (It works!)
Because we had such a long drive down to CA I had to entertain myself. Nick gets sick of my car dancing, so I started cutting out paper hearts to decorate the kitchen table at the Jordans. As you can see it escalated into a full on Valentine's Day Extravaganza complete with individual Valentine's and candy. Nick laughed at me the entire time, but he thanked me when I put the vast majority of my 115 paper hearts next to his valentine.
Love the post! I'm so glad you guys had a fun trip. I think you should decorate your own tables for the wedding, too. Those hearts look pretty classy!
Oh, and how excited am i that you finally have a blog dedicated to SNICK? I will be linking up with you...
Fun, fun, fun! Are you really in school? i hear so little of that these days. I hope your grades are as spectacular as the wedding reception. FYI i have been shopping for new pots for the garden party. You will be impressed with my ideas (Well, I hope you are at least mildly pleased.).
mom told me you've been planning and i'm so happy about that. it's going to be the ultimate garden party...tres chic, as the french would say.
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