This was my conclusion at age 12 after reading
as assigned by Dad. I truly believed that if Jesus were a voting American, he would be a Democrat. I don't think Dad disagreed with me when I told him. Now I think it was a bit sacrilegious to say that, but I believed in Socialism at that point in my life. It wasn't until I attended college and studied history that I began to have an appreciation for capitalism. Yes, sibs, capitalism. It isn't the evil I once believed it to be. Don't worry, I still have some socialism in my roots, but I look at things differently now. With today being a very important election, even THE most important election in my lifetime so far, I can't help but reflect on the events and studies that have shaped (and continue to shape) my political views.
I hope you are all voting today. For Syd and Shea, this is your first presidential election. Pretty exciting stuff. I'm curious what the next 4 years (and probably 8 years) will bring. But mostly just grateful for a Dad who encouraged me to think about policy and "isms" at a young age. I am still shaping my views and probably will always continue to shape them as I learn more. Thanks, Dad and Happy Voting everybody!
You know I can't end a post without plastering some pix of the cutest babies ever known...

I agree Darc, I am grateful for Dad and his indoctrination. I remember being about 10 and asking Dad what the difference between democrats and republicans was and he said that Democrats helped the poor and the republicans greedily stole from the poor. While Dad's "fireside chats" over dirty dishes helped me appreciate the importance have having an opinion and making an informed decision. Thanks Dad!
Thx for the pics Darc and the comments. I hope my influence politically has not been overwhelming. You kids should vote your conscience--just as long as your choices have a "D" after their names--JK. As you know, I vote the person and have voted for some Republicans over the years. This has been an historic election--one that we will remember for a long time. Please know that I too appreciate the virtues of capitalism, so long as it is tempered with charity (as well as government regulations and fearless attorneys). I recognize that capitalism feeds the world, it's just the whole greed aspect that deeply disturbs me. And to my core, I will always believe in "redistribution of wealth." It is a concept that is good and right. So...Go Obama!!!
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